
Posts Tagged ‘blog’

stress… is good for you?

The title is once again pretty irrelevant. So here’s another unexpected blog. unusual in a sense. not normal. you get the point. It’s just a quick message I wanted to put out here because again, I feel that the occasion calls for it. Well it’s amazing how someone actually popped over to my friend’s site through my site. It makes me happy, it’s amazing. It also makes my friend happy which in the end makes me happy. But thank you for anyone who popped over to his site, read his stuff and commented. It means a lot to me and him of course. I know how much I can relate because sometimes when you write, you just want people to read and as a writer myself, it’s not that easy getting others to read your blog. I wonder if there will ever be a day that someone that I don’t know but knows someone that I know will ever read my blog. Oh well, maybe there is some stranger out in the blue that I don’t know of who is reading this while I’m making assumptions. Typical me. But anywho, thanks for supporting my friend!

Oh and yes, stress… is good for you. But never feels that way when you’re stressing. alskdjfalksdflaksdjf


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